Average Education

Article of opinion 28/06/2011 Average Education prepares the pupils for the vestibular contest or the citizenship? One of the subjects more argued the world-wide level is the educational situation of each country. Each time more resources are destined for the improvement of the educational systems, but the quality not yet is excellent. What it makes the population to have an education of quality? To reflect on this question takes the citizen to demand a school that really teaches with the paradox of the pupils not to have the study habit! The Brazilian education lived deeply some pedagogical chains, since the tecnicista the continued progression. evils owner. But, many educators look in an emptiness the real formation of average education. He had a time where the students were trained for a hand of workmanship directed toward the market of the work technician. The guideline is: which the contribution that an education system that it adopts the system of progression continued in basic education obtains to assure a solid formation for the ingression in directed average education for a vestibular contest that keeps its traditional and selective form or a formation citizen? The quandary can be in the abstract form as education is structuralized average, it not prepares nor for the vestibular contest and nor so little for the citizenship. To be prepared for a vestibular contest is to dominate most advanced operatrias the techniques elementary when if it speaks you discipline in them accurate as mathematical, physical and chemical and to have a good domain of interpretation and easiness writer to face the Portuguese language you discipline and them as history, biology and geography, but the IDEB shows the imbalance of content of the pupils of the average education of the public schools equalizing them it pupils of basic education. E, being citizen is to fulfill with its duties and to exert its rights in accordance with the legislation of the great letter and to be imbudo of dignity exerting a work that comes to provide its minimum necessities with health, leisure, education, among others. As to assure a vacant of job in a work market each time more competitive selective? It will be that the traditional vestibular contests had influenced the tests applied to the candidates who search the citizenship? It would be cautious concomitant with average education to offer a professionalizing course so that the young sees perspective in the study? Or we would come back to have a tecnicista education, but that it assures the citizenship and the dignity to inside perceive its expirations of the legality, without being attracted by a profit of easy capital?

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