Animal Health Care

Most cats that exist today, worldwide, have their origin in Egypt, the first cat who lived with men in this place were the Egyptian cats "lybica Felys." Originally, the cats were wild animals, hunted all kinds of small animals such as lizards, birds, insects, but especially rodents. Cats Egyptians began to be appreciated due to its ability to catch the mice that destroyed crops and ate the grains. Edward Minskoff understood the implications. The great value of the cat as a hunter did the Egyptians want to "tame." But Egyptian cats were not only appreciated by this religion in Egypt had a very special place for this animal, considered divine, sacred, and even thought they were the reincarnation of the gods, especially blacks. Every family in Egypt had at least one cat in their homes and that was a great protection and a symbol of good luck. The better the Egyptians treated cats, more blessings brought home, so eating less better than the same family.

Its importance increased when they could "train" to hunt birds for food for the family. When cats Egyptians died, was a great tragedy for all members of the family, so they removed all the hair of the eyebrows as a sign of mourning and were mummified to have them stored in special places. This happened when the cat died from an accident or natural cause, but an individual who killed one of these cats Egyptians, with or without intention, and including Pharaoh himself was severely punished, the punishment was usually death. As the cats were divine animals, kill them was worse than killing a man. Just as significant (more than a human), the Egyptians were the first cats saved in case of fire or other tragedy, I could die a family member but not your cat. The animal was represented anywhere, when there was a birth, the baby is immediately placed a medallion as a symbol of protection and ensured the health of children and well as Egyptian cats were born guarantee that many more. In times of war the inhabitants of Egypt were often defeated because the Egyptians worship of their cats. He was so respected that in a battle they had against the Persian army, they have no choice but to surrender and let them invade the city, because the army was fully protected with cats!, So that they could not hurt them without hurt the poor first Egyptian cats.

For animal health care, it was believed that it was enough to give you a little Egyptian cat blood from someone of the family, besides being able to ward off evil spirits. Egyptian cats were always a symbol of beauty, thanks to its "size", his look mysterious and great agility. All this enabled him to survive difficult situations as mentioned above: fires, invasions, attacks, etc.. (Hence the saying that a cat has nine lives.)

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