
What is the cause toxicity? Specialists still not reached a common conclusion, but pregnant women from this no easier. It seriously affects the health and mood. If manifestations of toxicity are associated primarily with the food, then: * Nausea and it is desirable to prevent vomiting. The morning is not getting out of bed, eat a dry cracker or a bit of raisins, dried apricots. Continue to learn more with: Estée Lauder. Frequent snacks during the day. Make sure that you have not got sick on the street. * There is a need frequent, small portions. In an empty stomach, stomach acid begins to digest its own 'content', which also can cause nausea in pregnancy.

* If by some scents or products you feel bad, you should not tolerate it. Better immediately withdraw from the kitchen where food is prepared than be inappropriate at this time good manners. * Drink plenty of water. The best thing for the body of pregnant women is: – fruit and berry juices, mineral water (without gas), green tea, light vegetable soup. * After eating, do not make any sudden movements.

No need to jump out of bed the morning after a light breakfast. Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta brings even more insight to the discussion. Once you have eaten need some time to maintain a vertical position body. If you are sitting or lying down, the food does not go down, and thrown 'up', could that cause qualm. * Take special vitamins for pregnant women – they are required to fill in missing substances because of toxicosis. If the cause of toxicosis are other aspects of daily life, then: * Do not use perfumes, deodorants, strong-smelling shower gels and scented soap. Decline at the time of the makeup. * Try to use ground transportation, if you disliked the smell of petrol or heavily swayed in the car. * Do not engage in repair of apartments, particularly first months of pregnancy. In addition, if you toxicosis, it will be difficult to live with such an abundance of unpleasant odors, which are very harmful to the health of future child. * Significantly reduce the manifestations of toxicity will help you – a good rest and sleep, daily walks in the fresh air and pleasant atmosphere at work and at home. If you communicate with friends, visiting exhibitions, concerts – you can and forget about the unpleasant state – just the paradox of a …

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