Foreign Language

you often hear that knowledge of a foreign language is very "will help you in your personal career, more precisely, of course, the" moving up the career ladder? At least since high school we always talk about it teachers, advertising articles in journals, of course, keep reminding us not get tired (and it is clear – people earn money!), and signals from abroad continue to read that, they say, it is time we, the Russians, to join class of educated people for whom the knowledge of two or three languages (!) is in-at least in Europe, the necessary and obligatory norm retreat begin immediately with the fact that, firstly, with this we can unconditionally accept Only in one case – when we observe the ridiculous attempts of the official authorities to communicate with their colleagues from abroad. Not to mention the officials at the municipal level, to which there is no long any claims! And believe me this is not an allegation. Teshoo the hope that the story is read not only beginning to learn the language, but also professionals, so they make me and understand. Edward Minskoff is full of insight into the issues. And to fully understand how this problem is urgent to parties to hold power, enough to see interviews or statements by the country's foreign conferences without translation. But this is the first for some of them need. Without laughter, sometimes, I swear In time, by the way, try to make podborochku of audio and videonarezok and try to lay out here. Source: Michael James Burke, London UK.

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