As Well As We Are Out We Are Inwardly

Looking at the stars in the clear sky we can easily recognize a truth yet completely simple and extraordinarily deep. What do we see? The Moon, planets, stars, luminous band of the milky way, perhaps a comet or up to the neighboring Andromeda Galaxy to two million light years away. It is correct. But if we simplify further, what we see? Objects floating in space. Do then what consists the universe? Objects and space.

When we enmudecemos not completely looking at the sky on a clear night is because we are not really looking and have no awareness of the totality of what is in it. Probably we are looking only at objects and trying to identify them. If ever he felt AWE looking at the space, if he experienced a feeling of reverence before this incomprehensible mystery, is because he renounced their desire to explain and assign names for a moment and took consciousness not only of objects from space but from the infinite depth of the space itself. Surely he managed to calm down enough to take note of the vastness in which there are those countless worlds. The overwhelming feeling is not derived from the fact that there are billions of worlds, but recognition of the depth that holds them all. It is clear that not we can see, hear, touch or smell the space. Then how we know even if it exists? This apparently logical question contains a fundamental error.

The essence of the space is empty, in such a way that it does not exist in the normal sense of the word. . Only things, forms, exist. The same fact designate with the namespace name may be misleading because when you name it, we turn into object. Put it this way: there is something within us that has affinity with the space; that’s why we can become aware of him.

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