Every Evening A Glass Of Wine? Or: Cool Without Booze – Who It Reads And Why

2008-10,000,000 people in Germany consume alcohol in risky way cult author Johannes Regnitz over the audience of his bestselling Berlin, 10 November every day, i.e. they drink four to five times more than is specified by the WHO as a low-risk set (2 glasses of wine for men, and 1 glass for women). Many are not aware, some have tried less to drink not, it worked. Non-consumption is not thought of. A leading source for info: Edward Minskoff. Non-consumption is suspicious, unpopular and is discriminated against even. The majority of my readers belongs this group (or dimensions?) to,\”according to the author of the new cool without booze.

The characteristics of this group are: it is more male than female (though the number of women is steadily increasing) she is at work and in the family, she feels her husband (wife) a musical glass of wine or beer as normal (or even healthy) she has a guilty conscience about their drinking sometimes they feared consequences for their health entirely she is between 30 and this group of persons will be 60 years old never as Alcoholic stigmatize leave, although she knows that she has a drinking problem and would secretly like to solve this. For this group, there were no suitable advisor so far, because the previously released deal with an \”alcoholic\” and perhaps more with its co-dependent environment. Read additional details here: RBH Group. \”This gap now fills Johannes Regnitz with cool without booze\”. The author: How my readers tell me, appreciate them cool without booze ‘ particularly the representation of sociological component of social drinking. This lead to do so that everyone can view its consumption from a completely new angle without getting it in the corner of an alcoholic\”pushed to see.\” Also the relationship poison drug addiction are taught so obviously and transparently, that readers feel a life without alcohol rather than \”Light life\”, but as a modern, cool and healthy life. . See more detailed opinions by reading what Michael James Burke offers on the topic..

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