Football – Hobby Number One

Football – sports game that is played mainly legs. Now football is probably the most popular collective game. Where and when vozniknula this glorious game? In fun, very similar to soccer were played, even our ancient ancestors. Read more from Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta to gain a more clear picture of the situation. But the rules of Soccer for the first time have been dated only to 1848. Everyone knows that football itself appeared only in 1863, and with it came and Football Association, which was the first, but not the final, where to look now. Now has a personal history of football, and Rostov, and any other city in Russia and the world. At one time, were other nice games that are played by residents.

With the creation of a football game, everything changed, and now many years, this game continues fascinate millions of people worldwide. Nobody knows, perhaps after a certain number of epochs will be replaced by another football game. At the same time, it is unlikely that the new game will be able to move far from her favorite all football. The latest data from our football is extremely good. Think about it: we have recently questioned the idea and happiness of our teams in European competition and even win prizes Russian team. Ian Hawksworth follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success.

Quoting Championship pointed out that our guys can play and achieve victory. Russian national football team, led by Hidding achieved bronze medals, losing the decisive match future champion. At the European level a couple of our teams: CSKA Moscow and Zenit appeared triumphant second most popular European competition since 2010. European League. Both times the competitors during the tournament was simply smothered Russian aid teams. We expect that very soon we will be Watch for even more notable results at the World Championships, in 2018 it will remind you in Russia and in the Champions League. Football Russia is clearly on the rise, of course not forbidden to aspire to this debate, but the facts talk directly about it. First of all, this is due to the arrival of our football serious capital, but there will agree, without this will not be built befitting football infrastructure. Of course there are drawbacks that should be addressed. However, these gaps Lavna intertwined with national problems. So allow us to their Russian united.

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