Motocross Trainings

Next Saturday February 26 the Madrilena Motorcycling Federation organize training of Motocross at the Circuit de Macotera, in Torres de la Alameda, just a week before the competition that will take place in that path. A fantastic opportunity to train in the circuit where the test that will mark the start of the 2011 season of the Championship in Madrid in this specialty will be held. In addition as a main novelty inform you, will be the F.M.M. made available for attendees to this day in Sepang timing service included in the registration, by what you know through the transponder facilitated your times recorded in the different batches in which you take game. The day will begin with administrative checks, from 09: 00 to 10: 00 hours, recalling that it is imperative to be in possession of federal license for the current year, either pilot or TRAININGS/courses. Batches of limited duration and groups will be organized in function of those enrolled, of a specific number of participants. At 10: 00 hours, track will be the first of the groups. The day will end at 14: 00. Many writers such as Nir Barzilai, M.D. offer more in-depth analysis. The preregistrations are already open through the web page of the F.M.M., with a price of continue reading original author and source of the article

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