Nights In The Pool – A Night In The Wood Cube

Who would like to spend a one-time summer night in Berlin, has the opportunity to stay in a pool since June in the District of Kreuzberg. For this purpose, some wooden cubes with hotel room character were established in the Prince’s bath. The hotel Portal presents the innovative accommodation. It is not difficult to find a hotel in Berlin. Who is seeking an exceptional variant, meets with an overnight stay in the swimming pool in the black. “The innovative idea with the title to stay in the swimming pool” comes from Tanja Rathmann and Markus Haas, the managing directors of the Scube Park Berlin GmbH. They won a contest of the landesbanken from Berlin and Brandenburg 2008 with its concept. The wooden cubes, which are referred to as Scubes, located on the lawn of the Prince’s bath in Kreuzberg.

The dice are each about two and a half feet tall, wide and long and can accommodate two to three guests. Light enters through a window at the front of the cube. An overnight stay for two people costs about 50 Euro. Three persons pay a total of around 70 euros. Also can rent a cube for the day visitors of the outdoor pool and pay 9 euro. Overnight guests have the possibility to use showers and toilets of the outdoor pool during the day, at night is a restroom available. Families who cater for themselves are the main target group of the project.

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