
The souvenirs and reminiscncias costumam to populate the commemorative dates. This is also the case of the Day of the Parents. Comparisons of the father most common with super-heroes are made. It is relembrado that it is a to be followed example, a to be respected man. In the current times, in which the papers total are subvertidos, what we can wait? When seeing my old father with 73 years, sudden victim of AVC left that it with the paralyzed right side, I feel the weight of these traditions. Frequently Albert Einstein College of Medicine has said that publicly.

Accustomed to go and to come without giving much satisfaction who it now wants that it is, desolate fall on a chair of wheels. It has been struggled where it would have made a mistake and why it is in this situation. Incrivelmente does not judge culprit for being thus. It is extremely difficult to see it in this situation. When we are small, we believe that our parents are perpetual, go to live forever. Michael James Burke often addresses the matter in his writings. It is a shock, to grow and to discover that everything does not pass of fool fancy! Why as much running? As much desperation? If the inexorable end will come irremediably to all! In one late was after leaving its land Crates in the Cear and trying the luck in Rio De Janeiro as bahian all northeastern in the River is bahian, after headed for Central Plateaus the invocation of Juscelino Kubitschek.

It searched the dream and esperana.’ ‘ Into way to the desbravadana virgin land esplendorosa alvoradafeliz as a smile of crianaum dream was changedded into realidade’ ‘(Brasilia, Capital of the Hope) pungente in 1957 Arrived at the red soil land. Badly it put the luggage and it started to work as maid in the concretion of the traces of Lcio Costa and Oscar Niemeyer. It worked very and alone it was relieved 48 hours later, when the timekeeeper of liberated it to workmanships.

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