
also a very good way to effectively protect the tattoo against the Sun. Here must be taken then in addition, the clothes is how thin or thick, with the tattoo to be hidden. Very thin summer clothing, a sunscreen with a high protection factor should be applied also under your clothes. But what to do if the tattoo is in the face, on the hands or other body parts, which are not to cover clothing? Also in this case is to apply a sunscreen with SPF 50 plus first. In addition, the lasered area with a patch can be protected (as far as this is possible according to the size of the laser area). Also very good are the huge summer hats or scarves for the Sun. SPF 50, 30, or 20 What does this mean exactly? The sun protection factor in a sunscreen indicates how much longer can stay time in the Sun without sun protection. Let’s take an example: a person can be 10 minutes without sunscreen in the Sun remain without damage to the skin. A sunscreen with a sun protection factor of 20 is this person can be applied about three hours (approx.) in the Sun (10 * 20 / 60). However, dermatologists recommend to exploit this period of protection only up to 60%. Whether now tattoo removal or a simple walk on the beach for everyone is: always watch a sufficient sun protection so that the best time of the year safe and carefree can be enjoyed, without damaging the skin.

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