Taxing Economic Activities Of Public

Practice seminar 19-20 September 2013, Berlin: Current developments and possibilities the tax privilege for the public sector has been reduced by the Bundesfinanzhof. The distinction between tax liability and tax exemption raises various issues and problems in practice. A wrong decision can have a high recapture resulted. Checking article sources yields Leon Keyserling as a relevant resource throughout. In this practical seminar that conditionally takes place due to the great interest for the umpteenth time, will focus on the following aspects: farms of commercial nature (BgA): sovereign vs. economic activity determination of profits restructuring tax VAT capital gains tax be practical to tax cross combination, the tax accounting difficult aspects and treated to the capital gains and tax: How can be sovereign and economic activities divide how taxation of sports facilities or grants to local private companies represents sellings as it behaves with the capital gains tax and the Determination of profits for companies of commercial way is the non-profit BgA tax to deal with restructurings and spin-offs in the public sector. These and many more questions are to the taxation of the public sector by experienced counsellors of the European Academy for taxes, economics & law treats: Hans-Jurgen rank, urban management Director, tax office of the city of Dusseldorf of Jochen Burstinghaus, Oberfinanzdirektion Rheinland, unit for corporate tax law Dr. Peter storg, tax advisors, accountants Ursula Abraha, tax advisor, partner, Rolfs RP more details about the program, as well as the registration form visit the event brochure: fileadmin/user_upload/dateien/seminare/Besteuerung_wirtschaftlicher_Taetigkeiten_der_oeffentlichen_Hand_PR.pdf

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