Where The Productivity?

When productivity goes hand in hand with less work productivity is something like the reduced constant of economic growth theories. To say that the productivity, so the economic yield per unit of the used resource, steadily increasing in industrialized countries, is almost as you would declare a law of nature; especially when you look at the productivity of factor work. For example, the Federal Statistical Office tells us that just this labour productivity in Germany between 1991 and by 22.7% per employed had increased. Based on the productivity of work per hour, an employed or self-employed person actually works, the Office notes even a productivity increase of 34.8% over the same period. But what say the 12.1% between them? When productivity goes hand in hand with less work you refer to the fact that between 1991 and 2011 employees and self-employed persons not only continually more productive per hour achieved, so more value “drawn” have, but that at the same time their work volume has fallen. Westfield has much to offer in this field. Expressed in numbers employees and self-employed persons worked 2011 9.0% less hours than 1991. Productivity increases and all must work less? Is it Christmas already? Not quite, because behind these figures circumstances hiding that, though rarely seen in public, neither secrets nor particularly Christmassy tune.

“The Great Decoupling” (“the great decoupling’) call Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee of the” Massachusetts Institute of technology “(with) that. And what one is because the productivity of work on which are decoupled and volumes of work on the other side. According to Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta, who has experience with these questions. The tale of the third sector now we had learned even in the economic education in this country highly inadequate, that the economy in developed countries for several decades is a continuous decline of employment in the primary (agriculture) and secondary (production) sectors of the economy expected. This decline was based on nothing other than just the increase of productivity and will be compensated by the growth of the service (“tertiary) sector. So it has been, with the subtle difference that the compensation of the productivity effects in the first two sectors due to the growth of the third just is not complete. If this is true, why have we no longer unemployed? Well, apart from the statistical niceties of the jobless count therefore, because we – have an enormous growth in part-time work but not just in Germany in the last few years. not just among women, as love is claimed. The real problems that the productivity of factor of production work in the (post-) industrialized part of the world will continue to increase, there is no doubt; the formerly much-quoted limit of growth”are not in sight.

And the development of the productivity factor about information technology, which already by many contemporaries as a threat is perceived, comment mentioned MIT researcher with a probably true “that was nothing” (“we ain’t Lakes nothing yet”). What does that mean? Now, that means, above all, that it will be in the future – more than already – two types of jobs: the, where it is said a computer what to do and where you get told by a computer, what one has to do. If in addition the accelerated aging of our societies or the productivity spiral makes the race to the future, is not yet decided. Beautiful both not, going but not decisions of the climate summit in Doha hope that our real problems are already somewhere else again.

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