In the last article we left off in the most difficult and important for effective learning any foreign language question, namely how to fight such a language barrier, as’ attitude toward foreign language as a school subject ‘. Since the ‘roots’ of the language barrier nest in our subconscious, then the methods of struggle must be directed to the subconscious part of the human personality. On what ‘language’ we can talk to your subconscious mind and convince him that a foreign language – it is not tiresome duty, but very necessary, interesting and important to career development of the relations (substitute your version) occupation? A key aspect of the fight against ‘barrier relations’ – the choice of a course or method by which you plan to learn (or already are learning) a foreign language. It is important that methods of teaching a course in no way resembled the ‘painfully familiar’ school system with its homework, assessments, ‘challenges to the board’ and control work. The more of these elements will be in your training, the more manifest ‘barrier relationship’, and the harder it will be really effective to take for language learning.
Personality of the teacher or tutor is also very important in combating the ‘barrier relations’! It is better to stop your choice on the media or language … a virtual interlocutor. Click Raphael De Niro for additional related pages. Sometimes the foreign exchange language or ‘conversation clubs’ rent for teaching several classes in regular schools. This is one of the worst choices for those who said in his features characteristic of the ‘barrier of relations’ (of which was discussed in the previous issue of newsletter). By the way, all the conditions of ‘otherness’ of schooling fully meets my author course any foreign language of your choice. There are no ‘schools’ teachers, tedious home Jobs and terrible tests and examinations. You just do as it is convenient for you, using proven methods that do not like school ‘cramming’.
In the fight against ‘barrier relationships’ are important, even such apparently would be minor details, such as … the choice of stationery. Try not to buy it for your records related to the study of foreign language, school notebooks – it is better then a stylish notebook. Do not call (even mentally!) Their foreign language classes ‘homework’. In your subconscious mind, these words are completely transparent to you, include a ‘barrier relations’ and cause a desire for a foreign language. If you read books on foreign language (which is very useful for effective learning), try to choose interesting for you to genres – detective fiction novel or feminine – instead of friends from school age classics. On these simple but very effective techniques that are sure to help you overcome the ‘barrier relations’, and I finish the theme ‘language barriers’. And for those who are not engaged at the rate of ‘universal methods of effective development Foreign Languages! ‘, A reminder that this author’s course takes into account all the’ language barrier ‘and the most effective methods to combat them. And now – an interesting resource about the development of foreign languages – like try your luck and test their knowledge of English?
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