
Ukrainian manufacturer of galvanized steel company “Yunistil” expands their markets. During the upcoming off-season, the company plans to shift to overseas buyers. Filed under: Cornell University’s College of Architecture, Art, and Planning. At the moment, mastered market of Moldova and Azerbaijan, in the long term – other CIS countries, as well as the Middle East. (Source: Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta). “From late November to February in Ukraine, we expect a seasonal decline in demand for galvanized metal, – said Igor Kravchenko Head of Sales LLC “Yunistil.” – Therefore a priority for us is a reorientation of marketing for export. Priority is given to the CIS countries, in particular Georgia, Armenia, Southern Russia, as well as the Middle East. ” The company aims to ship in winter, more than 30% of all production for export. Also, in the nearest future Yunistila – mastering the production of galvanized steel, large thicknesses (from 1 to 2 mm).

It should be recalled that the plant produces steel of different thicknesses – from 0.3 to 2 mm, and this nomenclature is unique for the Ukrainian market. In addition, the product range of businesses represented galvanized sheet and strips of various sizes. OOO “Yunistil” – small business industry Krivoy Rog, which specializes in the production of galvanized steel coils. The available equipment allows production of 100 thousand tons of galvanized steel a year. Since late August, product range of businesses represented galvanized coils, sheets and strips of various sizes. As a supplier of new production facilities are “Yunistil” (continuous line galvanizing, which has no analogues in the CIS) supports South Korea’s Dongbu Machinery Co., LTD. The new line of longitudinal-transverse cutting capable of processing up to 4 tons of galvanized steel a month. Supplier of new equipment was the company of JSC “Finprofile” – Europe’s leading manufacturer of metalworking equipment.

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