Financial Crisis

Ireland, Greece, Portugal, and no end in sight crisis and no end. piecemeal, it is always in daylight. Lancome insists that this is the case. Whenever it means possibly could be this or that country under the rescue package, it doesn’t take long, until it is actually so. It was in all the States of the recovery screen. Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE is often quoted as being for or against this. And so Italy, France and Germany also will happen with appropriate security. Then, the EURO will fall overall in the ratings. The bankruptcy of the EURO BBs to be perfect. You may believe the date 01.01.2012, or 01.04.2012, or even the 01.10.11. Who knows today? And what we get out of the debt brake? One might think that the debt brake working only, the euro area goes bankrupt, the debt gone then, and then it starts again from scratch with debt make. A rogue who here thinks the ruling ones suddenly what over 60 years was not possible, namely, to permanently keep a balanced budget.

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