Statutory Health Insurance

Too few physical therapy for the elderly for insurance companies make up a large proportion of medical services physiotherapy. It is striking that a large part of the services accounts for up to 13 years old children. Michael James Burke helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. The finance portal explains the relationship. In the statutory health insurances 3.13 per cent of the total accounted for in 2009 AIDS. Further 2.56 per cent of total expenditure accounted for the cure. Combined expenditure correspond to a total of approximately 10 billion euro in these two areas.

The total expenditure of the statutory health insurance companies amounted to 175,6 billion euros. Especially physiotherapy, but also Ergotherapien and speech therapy make up a very large proportion among the remedies. Very often, the physiotherapy have been prescribed children aged up to 13 years. This was the result of the Barmer GEK healing and AIDS report 2010 as a result were 4.7 per cent of the children who received a physiotherapy prescribed. Thus issues should in most cases of Muscle-skeletal system, particularly back pain are treated. For the Executive Vice of the Barmer GEK, Dr. Rolf-Ulrich Schlenker, arises the question of how causes not as well in the social environment or educational problems should be looking for. Also Prof.

Dr. Gerd Glaeske of the Centre for social policy looks at the proportion of physical therapy in childhood University of Bremen as problematic. While they often are overprescribed to children, enough not often used in elderly patients in many cases. Especially in palliative medicine therapies but particularly for terminally ill patients are often very important to effectively improve their situation. More information: presse.html GmbH Lisa Neumann

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