The care team informed Dolphin from Mannheim the special circumstances and needs of sovereign people devoted to palliative care. It is under the motto quality of life over quantity of life”and focuses on life & style how to make the last phase of life of terminally patients. Mannheim care team informed the content of nursing palliative care of dolphin. Palliative care means, patients who are suffering from an incurable disease, to accompany to the death. A related site: Lancome mentions similar findings. Medical and nursing expertise must be accompanied by a pronounced awareness of the living conditions, loads, and sovereign people’s needs. A curing of their disease for palliative patients no longer be considered. More information is housed here: Michael James Burke, London UK. The relief of suffering and the fraternal assistance are all the more important in times of anxiety and distress for her. The task of nursing staff in palliative care is to produce quality of life and self aware of the approaching death.
Only in this way can the patient all load pathway towards a decent demise. In medical terms it comes in the palliative care especially disease symptoms and pain so far to restrict that the patient suffers as little as possible among them. The nursing care to accompany him on his severe way and understanding to meet him. The wishes of palliative patients are in care in the first place. Depending on his mental and physical condition you can change abruptly. Palliative care personnel is aware of the situation and gives validity to the needs of his patients.
This enhances their quality of life and allow them to spend the remaining time in dignity. Three stages are distinguished in the palliative care: rehabilitation phase are the disease at this time and their Incurability known, there is still no excessive restrictions. Nursing care in the rehabilitation phase is to increase the activity and quality of life of the person concerned and the Keep the impact his illness under control. Terminal phase in the Terminal phase, which can last weeks or months, severely limits the life management of palliative patients already disease. The supporting and accompanying character of care here increasingly gaining importance. Final phase includes the final phase to the period which immediately preceded the death of the patient. The service focus is now clearly on the human monitoring of the patient and his family members in the face of the imminent end of life. The Mannheim care team is committed for many years in the palliative care dolphin. As a member of the Palliativ network Rhein-Neckar e.V.
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