That article 7 is not a mockery for the companies that have taken the place of the sovereign to decide who earn the bread and those who are dying of hunger. Since there is nothing so atrocious as deny young people the development of its labour and social capabilities. ARTICLE 4. The Constitution is rules standard. In any case of incompatibility between the Constitution and the law or another legal norm, the constitutional provisions shall apply.
Reflection for rulers: If the Constitution is rules rule. Because there is a higher than she rule? In this case, the internal regulations of each company. The one which discriminates against young people with long hair. And then he said: in any case of incompatibility between the Constitution and the law or another legal norm, the constitutional provisions shall apply. Note Mr sovereign or state that the incompatibility is apparent, because the Constitution says one thing and they another.
And the you more power of them is we can observe that the legal reasons as in the case of companies or companies in the entire Colombian territory. They govern the life and the way of being of the natural reasons is say: the life of all Colombian citizens. That do not say of you gentlemen rulers, which in Colombia of a few individual rights prevailed over collective rights of an entire society of young people. That is not say that Colombian Justice never understood the real science of legislation tends to the truth and not lies of the imaginaries of companies who work in our territory. Because if they work in our territory should be attached to our Constitution and if not millions sanctions to pay for this kind of attacks against our citizens. Moreover where young people with long hair are received in any company must properly wear formal suits and dress with decency. Without forgetting that long hair should be collected. Once outside the companies are free to be whatever they want to be. His labour being does not have to see your personal being. Letter to young people with long hair and the rulers of Colombia. Att: Jose Orlando Melo Naranjo social thinker Doctor Jose Orlando Magno is one of the scientists philosophers more young people who owns the country. It has a large number of published works. in his last statement can assure the country advances little by little investment in education, since the largest investment in colombia this 12thcentury war, reason by which the brains of colombia are runaways, otherwise live practically destitute, as it happens with the Colombian teachers. Since the State looks at them as tools and a number more than workers. Related blogs on March 14 elections The law is everywhere! The citizen today commemorates the day world of the dream citizen which tumble the common senses and are extensions for hair Channel Woman Autodescuento Blog Archive class G BlueTEC Mercedes trends: cuts for short hair Warez Christian Blog Archive solutions for your hair milk or solid food? Blogs Christians mask natural and nourishing to hair care What beauty! NVIDIA creates virtual hair more realistic
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