Made this, it comes its acceptance. But such attitude is not easy task, needs to be learned. Independent, reflective, critical, contextualizado and creative a thought does not appear of the nothing. It comes for the education through the mediation/relation professor-pupil. Everything this involves a complex and challenging process. From there the necessity of an education it to think, but one to think philosophical through an education that ahead supplies to the essential elements so that the pupils through a critical position of the reality where lives, can exert its citizenship, thinking for itself proper of critical and deep form? this is a challenge! All must hug. Here it is there cerne of the question, the basic paper of the philosophy: to help the subject to one to see the reality, taking to think it of systematic form so that it is capable to desvelar the reality that the fence, to interpret it (reverse speed) to interpret it, considering solutions and alternatives. IV the FUNCTION OF the PROFESSOR OF PHILOSOPHY One of the tasks most important of practical the educative-critical one is to propitiate the conditions where the educandos in its relations one with the others and all with the professor or the teacher assay the deep experience to assume themselves.
To assume itself as to be social and historical as to be pensante, comunicante, transforming, creative, ccomplishing of dreams, (FREIRE, 2005 p.41). The proposal of Freire is based on the practical question of one educative one directed toward the social one, for autonomy, which is constituted in the relation professor-pupil, where the education has the function to construct and to reconstruct the society through the knowledge, of the moral and ethical values. In the present time, it has many quarrels concerning Ensino of Philosophy in diverse fields of knowing. Such concern has broken of professors of all the levels, in view of the quality of the teaching work in classroom.
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