Why to adopt the digital marketing as part key in the marketing campaign? We go to the facts. Digital Ouniverso is gaining each time more force and the trend is to decontinuar growing for much time, statistical speaking. Issoabre a great public emdiversos companies to divulge its product/service formats, as: – email material marketing in videos blogs- sites- images texts smsEntre many others Ok, already I know. Until it does not have no newness here! Agorao that much people do not know is the way to obtain success napromoo of its type of business and to take to the public the desired material. Frequent errors of the DigitalVamos Marketing to speak of the current Pop Star, it, nothing less of what the Twitter.Agrande majority of the companies and people here in Brazil, forambombardeadas for substances, articles and notice on the Twitter with sualegio of followers and importance. What I see for there, they are empresasque use twitter, but they do not know to transform it into traffic to paraanunciar its product/service. They follow some tips of as utilizarmelhor the Twitter as tool of support to the digital marketing.
– NECESSARY twitter to be monitored and constantly brought up to date, taking excellent information for the customer. – It looks for not to try to vender its fish demasiadamente. – It more offers detailed information on the subject of its type of business. Example: If you have a computer science store, not only announce promotions, mastambm tips of the world of the technology and computer science. Either that matriainteressante that you saw or a newness that the others would like to desaber. More the front I go to write one post on as if to use the twitterRedessociais they must serve of support for the consumer, a form decomunicao more human being, showing that exactly there where the people secomunicam informally, its company is proportionate texts and photos. Making an accessible spreading to the customer who is sailing in redessociais. By the way studies point that using they are more time in redessociais, as orkut of what in other sites.
It is the tip. Email to marketingNorealizar Spams, that is those emails sent without doreceptor authorization, in the case the customer who receives sets of ten from emails and not aguentamais. I particularly, remove the majority of this type of email quechega in my box of message. Solution: Desperte the curiosity of the customer in knowing its product, proporcioneuma tool that it can register in cadastre itself in the site and there yes receberemails marketing. Ok, very pretty. But as to make this? Aresposta is soon above. From the moment that you excellent disponibilizainformaes, that despertem the interest of the customer to emconhecer increase the possibility to register in cadastre more people. Tendnciade 2010 is the quality of the information, is not enough to be trying empurraro product. It offers advantages for the customers to be registered in cadastre in its site, fidelize them! WebsitesAmaior show window that its business can have. A necessary site to congregate algumasqualidades so that it can generate return to its business. Amongst asquais, I detach: – Attractive Design excellent Content organized Structure Otimizao (SEO) – System of Attendance, as forms or chats- Monitoramento- Duly adjusted for any type of navigator or resoluoNessemomento is interesting to direct this work in the deprofissionais hands specialized to prevent investment damages to emanchar the image of its business. Source:
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