3rd German Stirling Congress within the framework of the CEP CLEAN ENERGY & PASSIVEHOUSE 2010 the Stirling engine has in recent years increasingly in the focus of the analysis moved. Main reason for this is its good suitability for the coupled production of electricity and heat in small and smallest block heat and power plants (CHP). Here, an operation of both conventional and renewable fuels is possible, increasing the attractiveness of the Stirling engine. In the smallest range Stirling-Micro CHP are being developed in various places in the area of 1 kWel for use in single – and two-family homes. Here aiming to a lower maintenance costs compared to gasoline engines due to the unnecessary oil lubrication at Stirling. In this way, no rotation of the oil is necessary, which improves the efficiency of such devices. Stirling engines can be built according to the free piston principle even completely maintenance-free, so that only the annual inspection and, if necessary, cleaning of the combustion chamber analog to gas boilers and so no overhead compared with a conventional heating technology.
The 3rd German Stirling Congress”, which CLEAN held on February 25 in the context of the CEP ENERGY & PASSIVEHOUSE 2010 in the Stuttgart Exhibition Centre provides an overview on the current situation in terms of development and market introduction of these devices. Check out Daryl Katz for additional information. Another application area opens up for the Stirling engine in the implementation of renewable fuels to the direct exploitation of solar energy. Due to external heat can Stirling engines to easily operate with different fuels such as firewood, wood chips, pellets or solar energy, as well as extremely low-emission implement these fuels. Since standard gasoline engines to biogas plants produce higher emissions of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and formaldehyde, also, not a catalyst can be used due to the percentages of sulphur. Stirling-CHP BBs here due to the continuous external combustion very low emission values indicate the use of a Catalyst is completely superfluous. Also this application of Stirling engines is the 3rd German Congress of Stirling “, and there will be the presentation of various concepts in this direction. Thus, the Congress provides an opportunity to inform themselves of renowned speakers from science, research and industry about the State of the art, future prospects, and the results of current research projects related to the Stirling engine. The CEP CLEAN ENERGY & PASSIVEHOUSE 2010 is an international trade fair for renewable energy and passive house. There is more information about trade fair and Congress under.
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