When we experience a painful emotion, our first reaction consists in seeking the first exit to release us from it. We try not to solve the problem, but reduce the emotion. But often, this increase in pace is accompanied by a reduction of capacity to achieve the desired objective. It is important to do this, and here we will start giving the first advice, when you experience anxiety at some point, try to relax through breathing or relaxation exercises. When we intervene on the fright, we try to treat the body’s reactions, the catastrophic thoughts and the evitaciones, why it is important to know identify negativosque thoughts triggered in us a physiological response, awareness and analyse the causasdesencadenantes of the fright will allow us to deal with the problem through strategies to manage its consequences.There is always the possibility of changing an attitude learning to relax and to think otherwise. This It will generate a sense of personal self-efficacy and self-esteem increased. He starts to train yourself to face situations that generate lower levels of anxiety, in you when you feel more comfortable, facing situations of greater intensity.
Do not fall into the temptation of dealing with the situation more fear you produces, this would be counterproductive, since the disorder could be further strengthened. Anxiety creates biases in how to interpret a given situation. The person who suffers from stage fright focuses its attention on a particular point and builds his reasoning from inconsistent premises. It is important to analyse the causes of our behaviour and take into account that the stage fright is not a fatality, can be prevented, both its appearance and its expansion, to face on a regular basis to situations that generate stress. The fright is closely related to the lack of self-esteem, shyness and lack of security in oneself, to work these issues on a personal level will help the person cope with the problem.
Sign up for classes of teatrotambien turns out to be a method to control the emotions for some. The theatre allows a person to express his creative capacity, at the same time that helps you to master the expression and to communicate with others. It is important to avoid self-medication, each drug has indications and contraindications. Consult your doctor, it is the only one that can prescribir you them. Judith March sources. Collegiate n 18.360 psychologist.
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