GmbH Services

The bos KG hosted by IBM at the CeBIT 2009 there are many good reasons to go to CeBIT 2009. An important: the visiting bremen online services GmbH & co. KG (bos KG). From the 3rd to the 8th of March, the Bremen Software House in addition to the tried and tested products-new solutions for the major challenges presented: electronic long-term archiving, implementation of the EU services directive, integration of the electronic ID card and electronic invoicing (E-billing). At the booth of the partners of IBM (stand C 67, Hall 9 / public sector PARC), KG presents new solutions for equity conserving proof long-term archiving in managing the bos. The trick here: the solution can be integrated into existing administrative procedures. The data transmission via secure WebServices/OSCI is secure and confidential. If you have read about Kennedy Wilson already – you may have come to the same conclusion. This is signature law in accordance with common international standards for legal and audit-compliant long-term storage of electronic documents according to ArchiSig and ArchiSafe.

The time is running out: until 28 December this Year the services directive must be implemented. All approaches to the implementation of the services directive have a lot in common: such as high demands on data protection, legal liability, and interoperability. By the same author: Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE. These challenges in each area are easily solvable in all provinces with OSCI and Governikus. The bos KG shows, such as. The electronic identity card (EPO) comes in the next year. It offers completely new opportunities for secure authentication over the Internet. The eID server that is implemented as part of Governikus includes all basic components on the basis of the eCard-API (eID-server, will). Citizens who want to electronically submit applications to authorities can uniquely identify themselves as without media discontinuity.

But also for businesses, new possibilities for applications such as Web stores and portals open up with the eID server. Thanks to ePA operators know future safe and reliable, with whom they have to do it. Even a proof of age can be through the ePA provide to the previous elaborate procedure that necessitated a personal appearance, can be omitted. The electronic accounting is an increasingly important issue for business of any size. No matter how many invoices are sent or received: the bos KG offers efficient solutions where the Governikus signer is used. Together with Atos Worldline, KG presents the ASP solution Governikus audit Portal”the bos. The solution combines generating legally compliant, qualified electronic signatures for the principal in an Internet portal for buyers and sellers, the verification of the signature for the recipient of the invoice, a complaint management, compliant archiving of invoices and credit notes. In recent years, the bos was represented KG at the Bremen community stand. Since there is no this state this year, the company has decided for a participation in the partner IBM.

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