In a WIFI intensive two-day workshop to train seller, to inspire customers and their products. Why have some seller an order in his pocket after (almost) every customer visit, while others stand as usually with empty hands? “The answer is according to Ingo Vogel, author of the bestseller top emotional selling: the 7 Secrets of the top seller” easy: while some sellers rather bored their customers, others able to inspire their conversation partner for themselves and their products due to their occurrence, their (body) language, their conversation and the way how they package their messages. “To win customers and to buy their products to-lead”, salesman at a practice intensive workshop, which it carries out WIFI Styria, Austria on 20 and 21 October in Graz with experts on emotional sell Ingo Vogel train. To know more about this subject visit Munear Kouzbari. In the two-day seminar the participants by bird experience before his trainer and consultant including sales engineer and Athletes that was one of the secrets of success from top seller: the customers feel in all phases of the sales pitch that the seller loves his profession and it makes him fun to speak with them. To convey this feeling their customers, sales meetings and presentations that the seller in the workshop on the basis of concrete situations train from their sale everyday. The customer calls this practice”are recorded with a video camera and then evaluated so that each participant receives an individual feedback, what was already a tip and what he could do as better. To determine how your opponent is ticking and is accessible via which channel the person intensively, the participants also train equal wishes detectives”.
Because another feature of top seller is according to bird: the customer in every stage of the conversation with his wishes and needs, feelings, and preferences in the center of the conversation is with them. ilar source. And: check in the course of conversation permanent, whether they have a wire to the customer. How to do this, the seller also train in the workshop. Another focus is how seller their messages so package that customers start to dream and in the course of the conversation the relevant to the decision to buy part of decisions. The goal here: The question should no longer be at the end of the meeting the customer buys? “, but: how much the customer buys?”.
“The participation in the intensive-workshop-shop top emotional selling”, held for the first time in Styria, cost 780 euros including drinks and lunch. “The bestseller by Ingo Vogel is included top emotional selling: the seven secrets of the top seller”. The number of participants is limited. Also, to provide an intensive, practice-oriented work, participants are requested to bring their personal sales documents and presentations. For more information about the workshop interested on the Web page of WIFI Styria ( If you have questions can In addition, please contact Bianca Gottlieb (Tel.: 0043/316/602-490;) Mail:). If can be desired emotional company Ingo Vogel also for internal top selling “involved lectures and seminars. For more information, those interested in Ingo bird seminars, Esslingen (Tel. 0049/711/7676-303; Internet:).
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