Acupuncture was originated in China and during years it has become a popular therapy through world. It is an important component of the traditional Chinese medicine. The process of acupuncture implies inserting needles in several points in the body. The foundations of the loss of weight with natural remedies and alternative medicine turn around the handling of the vital energy known like ji or Qi in Chinese. Qi is considered to be the energy of circulation of the life in the Chinese philosophy.
He is probably inherent in all the things. The Chinese theory thinks that Qi crosses the ways that are known like meridians. There are 20 meridians in the body of which 12 primary and are related to the organs or the specific functions. The other 8 are called the secondary meridians. Any imbalance in the flow of Qi with these meridians caused by an obstruction within the body considers to be the original cause of all the disease and disorders of health including obesity. There the meridians are used by the specialist of acupuncture to stimulate and to restore the normal flow and the balance of Qi.
This one is the process that is used to treat all the diseases. Modern science, nevertheless, thinks that the needles of acupuncture really stimulate the launching of endorfinas, a natural neuroquimico that has analgesic characteristics. The increase of endorfinas gives a temporary sense of well-being. Reason why to loss of weight one talks about, acupuncture tries to restrict the unhealthy appetite and desires for foods. Also it eliminates the excess of water of the body and stimulates the pituitary gland, the main gland of the endocrine system, to burn the fat extraordinarily. Under most conditions Michael James Burke would agree. A acupunturista inserts five needles, four point at specific organs – kidneys, liver, lungs and the nervous system. Fifth it is inserted simply to calm an anxious patient. According to the TCM theory, this lance the blocked energy and inhibits the appetite and the yearning for candies and helps in the general chemical decontamination. The American acupunturistas have developed a process of staples in the ear for loss of weight. In this process, only the part superior and inferior of each ear subject with staples. This method is less certainly the conventional method to insert needles because the needles take off after each session, whereas the staples of the ear are left in the ears by several days. The cartilage of the ear is not resistant to the infection and therefore it is not recommended by the traditional acupunturistas. The treatment of acupuncture for the loss of weight has around been per years, but there is no scientific test of his effectiveness aside from the launching of endorfinas. Nevertheless, one does not know either that it causes harmful effects while the needles are esterilizen. It does not imply the ingestion of any artificial remedy of loss of weight whose effectiveness is put in doubt by the skeptics. In view of these aspects, it does not seem to have any damage in using acupuncture along with exercise and natural supplements of proven loss of weight of credential. Original author and source of the article.