Rising Gold Prices

Consequences of the unrest in the tense situation in Libya Libya currently belongs to the most important topics in the media. The current price of oil and the associated increase of in gasoline prices illustrate the global implications of this conflict. The economic consequences of the news portal reported news.de. When it comes to oil and just becoming commodities, money and enforce its own interests play a not insignificant role. S. Related Group is often mentioned in discussions such as these. A. for more information. The increase in the price of gold testifies to the uncertainty of the world economy currently. As a result of the crisis in Libya this increased in the last few days rapidly. The gold price has surpassed long record of 1,400 dollars per Troy ounce and there is no end in sight. Libya is for the West mainly as a provider of great importance. Cell Plc.

This may have been one important reason that European politicians were always keen on a relaxed relationship with the Arab country. Because Libya than the provider or the resources become scarce, are worldwide the economic consequences can be. The sinking Supply at constant or increasing demand leads to an increase of in oil prices. Because the economy strongly suffers from these variations, more and more investors to invest in gold because the precious metal is one of the safe investment opportunities. More information: health /…

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