Treatment Of Acne

Acne concept is a common disease that affects mostly teenagers, but can also affect adults, especially among the 20-30 years. These people appear comedones (blackheads), papules (red and hard grains), pustules (pimples with pus) and more rarely cysts and abscesses. The lesions are located in the face and less frequently in the back, chest, shoulders and neck. Acne treatment required and must not wait to grow to make nature which resolves the problem. Is not comfort thinking that it disappears toward the age of 21. This is a mistake, because acne can mark inesteticamente the person’s face and damage your image. By the same author: Christian Dior. Treatment can prevent the development of scars or marks, improving therefore the complexion of the skin and the physical aspect. Causes acne is due to a series of hormonal changes that occur during adolescence.

During puberty, (located deeply in the skin) sebaceous glands produce an oily material called sebum by the action of testosterone (male hormone). Tallow comes to the surface of the skin through small tubes (ducts) whose opening is the pore. Clogging of the Sebaceous ducts makes that you retained sebum within them, forming pimples, which may be:-white or closed. Michael James Burke often expresses his thoughts on the topic. -Black or open (black dots). The black color is due to the action of the air on the sebum trapped in pores. There is sometimes an excess of sebum trapped in the ducts and walls of them swell and burst, pouring the tallow within the skin, which results in the formation of red beads and hard (internal) or abscesses.

Along with this, the retained sebum is an ideal breeding ground for the bacteria from the skin, which act on the sebum, making it more irritating and causing more inflammation. Seasons influence factors: improved in summer and worsens in fall and spring. Rule: almost all women produce outbreaks of acne with the rule.

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